I Will Remember - Je Me souviendrai
The Alberni Crew 1941 - 1944
Below are the names of all the men who served on HMCS ALBERNI at one time or another between 1941 when she sailed out of Esquimalt Harbour on Vancouver Island until she sank beneath the waves off shore of the Isle of Wight in 1944. Crosses signify those men lost at the time of the sinking.
Harold Weldon Akhurst
Hugh Allan
Richard “Dick” Andrews
Cyril George “Taffy” Badger
Fred Bartlett
Gerald Baugh
Frances “Mickey” Baxendale
Roy Bayrack
Ian Hunter Bell
Maurice Bellemy
Leigh Bellinger
Benny “Buzz” Benson
Victor Charles Blackhall
Stanley Bowe
Tom Boyle
John Paterson Brebner
John Bridge
John Hugh Bryant
Freeman Burrows
Donald S. Calder
Robert Arthur Oliver Carson
Louis Castaldi
John Alexander Caton
Ronald Caught
William B. Chamberlain
Jim Main Clark
Robert Clarke
Frank Clements
Edward Collard
Charles Martin Colton
Victor Comley
Myroslaw T. (Murray) Copot
Cannif Timothy John Cosgrove ✝
Douglas Alfred Crandon
Stan Creech
Donald Cumming
J. A. Cuton
Henry Deacon
Robert Frederick Drew
Joe Driscoll
Edward Eisert
Walter Ellard
James Edwin Arthur Evans
Victor “Buster” Fancy
Edward William Field
John Fleming
Edgar James Flippance
Douglas John Ford
Phil George
Lewis James Getgood
George Gilbert
Lloyd Glockler
Harry Gold
Jay Gould
William Vernon Gray
James Grinnell
Tony Grover
Daniel Bernard Guiney
Doug Harrington
Russell Hart
George Hicks
William Hood
Fred Hulme
Norman Hunniford
Jeremy Humphries
Neil Hutchins
William Hydes
Arthur Janes
Lorne Jones
Fred H. Kiff
Harold Joseph Kormann
Leonard Lamb
Camille Lanteigne
A. Robert Lawrence
Theodore Watt Lawson
Orval Keith Lee
Charles Little
R . C . Livingstone
Honorjus Mallette
Victor Marsh
Alfred Martin
Murray John Mawhinney
Hugh McBain
John McReedy
Malcolm McInnes
Gordon McNeil
Joseph Leo McVarish
Stanley Miller
Earl Moist
Tiny Moran
Xavier Leo O’Mara
Thomas William Palin
Fred Parrot
Joseph Aldophe Roserio Paquet ✝
Christopher Pepper
William C. Perry
Elmer Phillips
Ernie Pipe
Evan Pollock
Victor Prodnuk
Gilbert Prosser
James Reid
Lawrence Rowe
Sam Salsberg
Joseph Benoit Savoie
Nelson Shudeen
Daniel L. Simpson
Kenneth Slater
Alexander Smith
Richard Smith
Jack Southern
Donald Frederick Spencer
Orville Leroy Stone
Percy Sweatman
Lloyd Gordon Thomas
John Alexander Thomson
Robert Thomson
George Thonnett
Harold Travis
Harold P. Tremblay
Gordon Tuck
Ray Gilbert Vallette
John Wade
John Warren
Fred Werner
Petty Officer West
Frank Robert Williams
Ralph Edward Williams
Charles Williamson
Donald Ernest Wood
Donald Edward Worthington
George Young
The "I WILL REMEMBER" and "JE ME SOUVIENDRAI" POPPY LOGO IS A TRADEMARK of the Alberni Project Society. Use of either English or French logo is prohibited without expressed written permission from the Alberni Project Society
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